Today I attended a Salsa Rueda class -- just tons of fun. Way to kick off the whole thing by learning a new style of dance complete with a whole new language. Totally fun. Cesar Garfiaz is the instructor. Then I went to Roberto Bagnoli's international folk dance class. We learned Sej Bob (not to be confused with Sej Sej Bob, which is a totally different dance), and Te Joci Cu Focul. Fabulous dance! Loved it! Literal translation: to play with fire. This dance is totally on fire.
I skipped the third class in the spirit of pacing. I attended two sing-alongs: Erik Hoffman's standard folk song repertoire sing-along (We Shall Overcome Some-daaaaaaay) and Rumen Shopov's Balkan singing workshop. Fun!
In the afternoon, I chose Ercument Kilic's Turkish dance class - new favorite dance Hey Gidi Hey.Then I attended Erik Hoffman's contra dance workshop. He plays fiddle for the workshop while calling. Erik was the first caller for the Coos Bay contra dance series. Between him and Dick Oakes, I've had some celebratory sightings. I had a great chat with some students from BYU about how to get young folks interested in dancing. I had an interesting chat with Jitka Bonusova, a dance teacher from the Czech Republic - she teaches couple dances, but her dance partner sprained his ankle 6 days ago, so she is here alone. She calls contra dances in the Czech Republic - she said they are very popular... most calls are in English (balance and swing; do-si-do; long lines forward and back; right and left through), but other calls are in Czech (circles and stars),
I danced much of the evening program, but didn't stay for the after party. I hope 30,000 steps is pacing myself appropriately.