She taught us style-filled couple dances that I haven't considered teaching these past 10 years... like the hambo. I remember learning Zillertaler Landler (video below) from Linda. I haven't done that dance for over 30 years. But I'll never forget Linda's instruction of sticking the guy's hands in his armpit for that repetitive turn.
On the other end of the energy spectrum, Linda taught us lots of lively dances like Hora Or, Trei Pazeste, Cimpoi, Godecki Cacek, Haroa Haktana, and many more. Linda had a great sense of rhythm. Coupled with her spritely approach to these dances, I was won over immediately.
I don't have a crystal ball, but I wonder how much longer I'll be able to teach. Can I do this for another 20 years? I've been inviting the Universe to bring me someone young who will fall madly in love with international folk dancing, and want to learn ALL of the dances that I know. Maybe a cadre of young people. That would be nice. It's essential to keep passing the tradition forward.
From Jonathan Jensen's song "Spread the Joy",
Spread the joy, pass it on,
May it blossom in our children when we're gone,
For the gift of dance and music has the power to enthrall,
Share the magic, spread the joy to one and all.